Mechanical arm electrical interface

1 Base electrical interface(Developers only)

1.1Base Introduction

​ A,A. The interface, display and buttons on the top of the base are shown in Figure 1-1:


​ Figure 1-1 Front view of the base

​ B, the interface on the left side of the base is shown in Figure 1-2:


​ Figure 1-2 Left side view of the base

​ C, the interface on the right side of the base is shown in Figure 1-3:


​ Figure 1-3 Right side view of the base

1.2 Base interface description

Note: The functional interface groups are all 2.54mm DuPont interfaces, and 2.54mm DuPont cables can be used externally;

​ A. Table 1-1shows the definition of each interface in a functional interface group 1.

Tag Signal Function Note
18 G18 - Temporarily not open
19 G19 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
23 G23 - Temporarily not open
22 G22 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
21 G21 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G GND Motherboard power signal ground
3V3 3V3 DC3.3 V power supply
5V 5V Power supply, DC5V

​ Table 1-1 Functional interface group 1

​ B. The definitions of interfaces in functional interface group 2 are the same as those in functional interface group 3, as shown in Table 1-2.

Tag Signal Function Note
3 G3 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input This parameter is unavailable when usB-Type-c is used
1 G1 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input This parameter is unavailable when usB-Type-c is used
16 G16 - Temporarily not open
17 G17 - Temporarily not open
2 G2 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
5 G5 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
25 G25 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
26 G26 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
35 G35 3.3 V-int input
34 G34 3.3 V-int input
RST RST Master reset
BAT BAT - Temporarily not open
3V3 3V3 DC3.3 V power supply
5V 5V Power supply, DC5V
G GND Motherboard power signal ground

​ Table 1-2 Functional interface groups 2 and 3

Description: Figure 1-5 shows other functions of the interface. If other functions are used, the I/O function is unavailable.


​ Figure 1-4

C. Power DC interface: The mechArm is powered by a 6.5mm od, 2.0mm OD, and a manufacturer's 8.4V 5A DC power adapter

D. Grove interface: Figure 1-5, Figure 1-6, and Figure 1-7 show the Grove interface definitions


​ Figure 1-5 Grove interface 1


​ Figure 1-6 Grove interface 2


​ Figure 1-7 Grove interface 3

​ E. type C interface: used to communicate with the PC. G1 and G3 ports are occupied when this interface is used.(For program and firmware burning)

​ F. Reset button: used when the main control system is reset

​ G. Buttons A, B, and C: Cooperate with the display

​ H. Display: The 2-inch IPS screen can be used to display mechArm communication status and adjust robot origin with buttons.

2 Electrical interface at the end of the manipulator(Developers only)

2.1 Introduction of Robot Arm End

​ A. The side interface of the end of the robot arm is shown in Figure 2-1:


​ Figure 2-1 End of the robotic arm

2.2 Terminal interface description

​ A. Table 2-1 shows the definition of each interface in functional interface group 4.

Tag name Signal name Function Note
5V0 5V Power supply, DC5V
GND GND Motherboard power signal ground
3V3 3V3 DC3.3 V power supply
G22 G22 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G19 G19 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G23 G23 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input
G33 G33 3.3 V-out-PNP output /3.3 V-int input

​ Table 2-1 Functional port group 4

​ B. Type C interface: used to communicate with PC and update firmware.

​ C. Grove interface 4: Figure 2-2 shows the definition of Grove interface 4


​ Figure 2-2 Grove interface 4

​ D. Servo interface: It is used when expanding the gripper at the end, and currently supports the use of the matching adaptive gripper.

​ E. Atom: for 5X5 RGB LED (G27) display and key function (G39)

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